Here’s What I think Elon Musk Is Doing With Twitter

Here’s What I think Elon Musk Is Doing With Twitter

Twitter provided something unprecedented in the early days of social media: a new way to be completely spontaneous and anonymous. Having a limited number of characters at your disposal allows you to make a bigger impact by using fewer words and being more concise,...

Top 10 Mentors an Entrepreneur should follow on Social Media

There are a lot of reasons why entrepreneurs fail, but sometimes these reasons aren’t the actual cause of failure. Without the right mentorship, entrepreneurs can fail. When you look at the success stories of successful entrepreneurs, you’ll notice that...

How Social Media Can Propel Your Business

Over the past several years, social media has continuously proven its relevance in society. Social media has become an increasingly prominent aspect in everyone’s life. As a business looking to reach a target audience, having an established website is no longer...